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Compass use

Using a compass is perhaps the most underrated tool in home sailing. With its help, we can quantify the subjective feeling, and with it we can notice such turns of the wind that we may not always succeed without it.

It is important to note that learning to use a compass is a long process, and you should not start sailing with it before a stake race at all. Safe and routine use can be achieved with several months of practice. It's so difficult because sailing, as one of the most complex sports, requires constant attention, and this tool is one more piece of information that can distract you from steering the boat or keeping an eye on the weather and field.

Continuous monitoring of wind direction: The tendency of the wind must be constantly monitored, because we can read regularities from it, such as a continuous trend to the right or left, or oscillation, extreme values.

Starting line survey: We can determine the angle of the starting line by standing next to the orange flag of the organizing boat and directing the front of the boat to the lee start mark. If we add 90 degrees to this angle and get the wind direction, then the start line is perpendicular to the wind, so a good start will mainly be determined by the preferred side. However, if the angle measured between the start line and the wind direction is less than 90, then the lee start is more favorable, while if it is greater, the luv start is more favorable.

It is important not to use a measured wind direction, because a sampling can distort reality. It is advisable to use the mean value collected during several measurements for the real determination of the wind.

Positive, negative progress: The biggest headache for sailors can be whether or not the tak they are sailing is positive or not.

Here we are mostly talking about a hairline, but in a tailwind, especially for boats with a tailsail, positive sailing is important, which shortens the distance between the two buoys.

Several angles should be kept in mind for its determination.

  • Right strike negative angle
  • Right strike neutral angle
  • Right strike is a positive angle
  • Left strike negative angle
  • Left strike neutral angle
  • Left strike is a positive angle

Or even this in a tailwind.

It seems like a lot when written down, but if we look at an oscillating wind of 10 degrees as an example, it is actually enough to remember two neutral angles, and the difference of 5-5 degrees will represent the negative and positive angles.

The necessary nails can be collected during the sailing before the start, so it is important to get on the water on time, approximately 1 hour before the start.

If you have any questions on the subject, write a message on our Vadnai Bros Instagram or Facebook page.

Good slice!


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